IEEE SENSORS 2024 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners from academia and industry throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the areas of sensors and sensing technologies.
Join us for the 3rd International IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON) on January 20-22, 2025 in Hyderabad, India! Conference is entirely onsite!
This exclusive international Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems will be held in Lindau, Germany. The event continues our annual tradition of informal single-track international meetings discussing the latest developments in the area of modern inertial sensors and emerging applications. INERTIAL 2025 will be a four-day event with one day of tutorials and three days of technical sessions.
Industry Leaders take the Sensors in Spotlight stage to present BIG VISIONS. This is a unique one-day networking event introducing emerging applications that will inspire technological developments in years to come. Sensors in Spotlight is where sensor technologies take the central stage. The program includes three keynote presentations, a panel discussion, and plenty of networking opportunities. The event will inform and inspire creation of a technological eco-system in support of BIG VISIONS.
Join IEEE BioSensors 2025 in San Diego, CA, USA from August 2-5! Dive into four days of the latest biosensor developments, emerging applications, tutorials, and keynote sessions.
IEEE SENSORS 2025 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners from academia and industry throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the areas of sensors and sensing technologies.
IEEE Sensors Journal was established in 2001. It is one of the fastest growing journals of IEEE. Its current rank among...
IEEE Sensors Letters is a journal, launched in 2017. It invites short-length original research papers for rapid publication.
The IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors (JSAS), a new 100% open access technical journal, publishes papers in...
The IEEE Sensors Reviews, a new 100% open access technical journal, publishes papers in...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal started in 2014. Its Impact factor is 10.6 and median submission-to-ePublication is 19.3 weeks.
IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics is approved in 2021. The first issue of this journal has published on January 2022. It is co-sponsored by IEEE Sensors Council ...
The IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN) publishes original research in the fields of ...
The IEEE Transactions on Big Data publishes peer reviewed articles with big data as the main focus. The articles will provide cross disciplinary ...
The IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics (TAFE) is the cutting-edge research publication covering circuits and systems, integrating the needed ...
IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems focuses on advances in the study and development of radar systems for a wide range of applications.
The IEEE Transactions on Games welcomes submissions on all scientific, technical, and engineering aspects of games.
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