40. |
Review and Adoption of Agenda. The agenda was adopted as amended at the meeting.
NOTE: Minutes 40 through 93 were approved as part of the Consent Agenda. These items are shown individually for easy reference. Minute 99 was also ruled as approved as part of the Consent Agenda.
41. |
Approval of TAB Minutes. The Minutes of the 14 February 1998 meeting were approved.
42. |
Approval of Removing the TAB Distinguished Service and TAB Outstanding Contribution Awards. A proposal was submitted to remove the TAB Distinguished Service and TAB Outstanding Contribution Awards, since the awards have only been given once and there has been little interest from TAB members. There is now an IEEE level award called the Richard M. Emberson Award, sponsored by TAB, which encompasses the scope of the TAB level awards. A Motion was made that:
TAB approve removing the TAB Distinguished Service and TAB Outstanding Contribution Awards.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 28).
43. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society J. J. Ebers Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society J.J. Ebers Award, recognizing contributions of recognized scientific, economic, or social significance to the broad field of Electron Devices, and aMotion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society J. J. Ebers Award increasing cash prize from $2K to 5K, effective 1998.
Financial Implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
44. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Distinguished Service Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Distinguished Service Award, recognizing meritorious, significant, and outstanding service to the IEEE Electron Devices Society and its sponsored activities, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Distinguished Service Award increasing cash prize from $1K to $2.5K, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
45. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Paul Rappaport Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Paul Rappaport Award, recognizing the best paper appearing in an IEEE Electron Devices Society publication, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Electron Devices Society Paul Rappaport Award increasing cash prize from $1K to $2.5K, effective 1998 .
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
46. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Transactions Prize Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Transactions Prize Paper Award, recognizing the best papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Transactions Prize Paper Award increasing cash prize from $200 to $500 (for presentation in 1998); $1K (for presentation in 1999); and $2K (for presentation in 2000), effective 1998. Prize amount will remain at $2K for future presentation years until a proposal to increase the prize amount to be effective presentation year 2001 is submitted.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
47. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Symposium Prize Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Symposium Prize Paper Award, recognizing the best papers presented at the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Symposium Prize Paper Award increasing cash prize associated with award from $200 to $400 (for presentation in 1998); $500 (for presentation in 1999); and $1,000 (for presentation in 2000), effective 1998. Prize amount will remain at $1K for future presentation years until a proposal to increase the prize amount to be effective presentation year 2001 is submitted.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
48. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Interactive Session Prize Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Interactive Session Prize Paper Award, recognizing an exceptional paper posted in an Interactive Session of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Interactive Session Prize Paper Award increasing the cash prize associated with award from $200 to $300 (for presentation in 1998); $400 (for presentation n 1999); and $750 (for presentation in 2000). Prize amount will remain at $750 for future presentation years until a proposal to increase the prize amount to be effective presentation year 2001 is submitted, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
49. |
Approval of Revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society GRS-S Student Prize Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society GRS-S Student Prize Paper Award, recognizing the best student paper(s) presented at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), and aMotion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society GRS-S Student Prize Paper Award increasing cash prizes associated with the three awards in rank order from $300, $200 and $100 to $500, $300 and $200, respectively, effective 1999.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
50. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award, recognizing innovative contributions to high performance computing systems that best exemplify the creative spirit demonstrated by Seymour Cray, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $10K, crystal mode, and illuminated certificate, and travel expenses may be covered for the awardee(s) and companion to the presentation site. The award will be funded from an endowment provided by Silicon Graphics, Inc., in honor of Seymour Cray, effective 1999.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
51. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award, recognizing an outstanding paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology in the previous two-year period, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award, to be given annually, consisting of a plaque (one for each author) and would be funded by the IEEE Control Systems Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: None
The Motion passed.
52. |
Approval of Establishment of IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award, recognizing an outstanding article or column published in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine in the previous two-year period, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award, to be given annually, consisting of a plaque (one for each author), effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
53. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, recognizing the authors of the best paper published annually in the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Parts A, B, or C, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $500 for each author (up to a maximum of $2,5K for multiple authors) and a certificate (one for each author), funded by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
54. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society ECTC Best Poster Session Paper Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society ECTC Best Poster Session Paper Award, recognizing the best paper presented in the Poster Session at the Electronic Components and Technology Conference, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society ECTC Best Poster Session Paper Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $1K and a certificate ($1K to be prorated if for multiple authors), funded by the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
55. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award, recognizing individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on development of the robotics and/or automation fields. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $1K (to be divided equally if more than one recipient), a plaque and certificate and would be funded by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
56. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society CAS Industrial Pioneer Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society CAS Industrial Pioneer Award, recognizing a person or persons with outstanding and pioneering contributions in developing academic and industrial research results into industrial, applications and/or commercial products, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society CAS Industrial Pioneer Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $500 and a plaque (if more than one recipient, the cash prize will be divided equally), and would be funded by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
57. |
Approval of Establishment of the IEEE Electron Devices Society EDS ‘Chapter of the Year’ Award. The TAB Awards and Recognition Committee submitted a proposal for establishment of IEEE Electron Devices Society EDS ‘Chapter of the Year’ Award, recognizing the quantity and quality of Chapter activities and programs implemented by a Chapter during the prior 1 July – 30 June period, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the establishment of the IEEE Electron Devices Society EDS ‘Chapter of the Year’ Award, to be given annually, consisting of a cash prize of $1K and certificate, and would be funded by the IEEE Electron Devices Society, effective 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
58. |
Approval of 1999 Single Sales Pricing Formula. The TAB Products Committee submitted a proposed formula for 1999 Single Sales Pricing Formula, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Single Sales Pricing Formula of .098 x (#pgs + 1000).
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
59. |
Approval of 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) "Extra". The TAB Products Committee submitted proposed pricing for the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) "Extra" Price, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) "Extra" price of $11,995.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
60. |
Approval of 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) Plus Price. The TAB Products Committee submitted proposed pricing for the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) Plus Price, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) Plus price of $23,995.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
61. |
Approval of 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) Price. The TAB Products Committee submitted proposed pricing for the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP), and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Prepaid Order Plan (POP) Price of $16,995.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
62. |
Approval of 1999 IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) Pricing. The TAB Products Committee submitted proposed pricing for the 1999 IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL), and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) pricing as follows: List Price, $42,995; Level 1 Discount, $31,995 and Level 2 Discount, $21,995.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
63. |
Approval of 1999 All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Pricing. The TAB Products Committee submitted a proposal for the 1999 All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Pricing, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Price of $18,995.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
64. |
Approval of 1999 Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Price. The TAB Products Committee submitted a proposal for the 1999 Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP), and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) price of $2.5K.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
65. |
Approval of 1999 Student Branch Magazine Package. The TAB Products Committee submitted a proposal for the 1999 Student Branch Magazine Package Pricing, and aMotion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Student Branch Magazine Package Price of $395.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
66. |
Approval of Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Proposal.The TAB Products Committee submitted a proposal for Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP), and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the Student Branch All Society Periodicals Package proposal as follows:
- Continue with February 1997 decision by TAB to enforce the Student Branch qualification policy.
- Encourage Student Branches to take the Magazine package.
- Encourage Student Branches to contact Societies, as a Student Branch Chapter, for special consideration for their publications.
- Encourage the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee to create a process to assist Student Branches in contacting Societies for publications.
- Encourage Sections to assist needy Student Branches with being able to afford the Magazine Package and to aid Student Branches in determining which Societies to contact.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
67. |
Approval of a New IT Professional. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal from the IEEE Computer Society for a new IT Professional Magazine, and aMotion was made that:
TAB approve the proposal for a new IT ProfessionalMagazine, beginning in 1999.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 29).
68. |
Approval of a New IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal from the IEEE Circuits and Systems, IEEE Signal Processing, IEEE Communications and IEEE Computer Societies for a new IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve a new IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, beginning in 1999.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 30).
69. |
Approval of Revisions to TAB Operations Manual Section 11.11 – TAB Periodicals Committee Charter. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to TAB Operations Manual Section 11.11 – TAB Periodicals Committee Charter, which will move the TAB Periodicals Review Ad Hoc Committee to a Standing Committee reporting to the TAB Periodicals Committee. These revisions will also make the immediate Past Chair of the TAB Periodicals Committee, the Chair of the TAB Periodicals Review Committee, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to TAB Operations Manual Section 11.11 – TAB Periodicals Committee Charter.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 31).
70. |
Approval of Addition to TAB Operations Manual Section 11.14 – TAB Periodicals Review Committee Charter. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal for an addition to the TAB Operations Manual Section 11.14 – TAB Periodicals Review Committee Charter, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve an addition to the TAB Operations Manual Section 11.14 – TAB Periodicals Review Committee Charter.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 32).
71. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Policy Statements 6.6.2 (C) – Page Charges. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal for revisions to IEEE Policy Statement 6.6.2 (C) – Page Charges. This modification would allow each publication the flexibility to adjust its voluntary page charge to optimize the revenue collection potential from this source, and a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the revisions to IEEE Policy Statements 6.6.2 (C) – Page Charges for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 33).
72. |
Approval of Merger for IEEE Computational Science and Engineering and American Institute of Physics (AIP) Computers in Physics. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal for the IEEE Computer Society to merge the IEEE Computational Science and Engineering Magazine and the American Institute of PhysicsComputers in Physics, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the proposed merger of IEEE Computational Science and Engineering and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Computers in Physicsinto a single publication entitled Computation in Science and Engineering to debut in January 1999. Equal sharing of all income and expenses between the IEEE Computer Society and AIP.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 34).
73. |
Approval of 1999 Publication Rates. The TAB Periodicals Committee submitted a proposal for 1999 Publication rates, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Publication Rates.
Financial Implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 35).
74. |
Approval of Revisions to TAB Operations Manual Section 11 – TAB Committees and Forums. The TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee submitted revisions to the TAB Operations Manual Section 11 - TAB Committee and Forums to allow more volunteers to be eligible for more positions, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to TAB Operations Manual Section 11 – TAB Committees and Forums.
Financial implications to TAB: Approximately $26K per year
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 36).
75. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-204 – TAB Chair-Elect. The TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee submitted proposed revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-204 – TAB Chair Elect, to move the process to review and approve the slates for TAB Chair-Elect into one calendar year, so that there is not a turnover of TAB members prior to the vote. They also specify by what method eligible voting members shall be permitted to vote for candidates, and a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-204 – TAB Chair-Elect for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 37).
76. |
Approval of the Return of $28.5K Received from the IEEE Foundation. The TAB Finance Committee submitted a request to return $28.5K received from the IEEE Foundation to the IEEE Societies and Council and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve returning $28.5K received from the IEEE Foundation to the Societies/Council through the TAB Support line in 1998, and adding an appropriate line item to the 1999 and beyond TAB operating budgets for funding the Emberson Award.
Financial implications to TAB: approximately $8K annually.
The Motion passed.
77. |
Approval of Updating IEEE Society New Member Brochure. The TAB Finance Committee submitted a proposal for updating the Society New Member Brochure since the brochure has not been updated in many years and its present form is very difficult to read and does not include Society descriptions. Therefore, a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the one time funding of $15K to IEEE Membership to support updating the IEEE New Society Member Brochure.
Financial implications to TAB: $15K for 1998
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 38).
78. |
Approval of 1999 Society/Council Member Fees, Optional Periodical Prices, Non-Member List Prices and Periodical Page Budgets. The TAB Finance Committee submitted 1999 Society/Council Membership Fees and Periodical Prices, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the 1999 Society/Council Member Fees, Optional Periodical Prices, Non-Member List Prices and Periodical Page Budgets.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 39).
79. |
Approval Regarding Actual Page Counts for All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) Distribution Computations. The TAB Finance Committee submitted a request regarding actual page counts for final All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) distribution computations, and a Motion was made that: |
TAB approve that for All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) distribution computations, the actual page counts will be determined using the periodical page count available as of 31 January of the following year. Any page count changes after 31 January will not be considered in the page counts.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
80. |
Endorsement of IEEE Meetings and Services Committee Charter. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted a proposed new Charter and, a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the IEEE Meetings and Services Committee Charter for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 40).
81. |
Change in Name and Affiliation of the TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted a proposal to change the name and affiliation of the TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee from a TAB Committee to a Standing Committee reporting to the IEEE Board of Directors, with administration and operational support from TAB. Therefore, a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the change in affiliation of the TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee (TMSC) from a TAB Committee to a Standing Committee reporting to the IEEE Board of Directors with administration and operational support from TAB.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 41).
82. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-703.6 – Meetings and Services Committee, I-305 – Other Boards and Committees and I-308.20 – Standing Committees. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-703.6 – Meetings and Services Committee, I-305 – Other Boards and Committees and I-308.20 – Standing Committees, to add the IEEE Meetings and Services Committee into the appropriate sections of the IEEE Bylaws, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve revisions to IEEE Bylaw T-703.6 – Meetings and Services Committee, I-305 – Other Boards and Committees and I-308.20 – Standing Committees for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 42).
83. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Policy Statement 9.14 – Periodic Review of Boards, Standing Committees and IEEE Administrative Procedures. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted revisions to IEEE Policy Statement 9.14 – Periodic Review of Boards, Standing Committees and IEEE Administrative Procedures to add the IEEE Meetings and Services Committee into the review schedule, and a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the revisions to IEEE Policy Statement 9.14 – Periodic Review of Boards, Standing Committees and IEEE Administrative Procedures for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 43).
84. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Policy Statements 10 – Meetings, Conferences, Symposia and Expositions, 11.4(4) – Region, Council, Section and Society financial operations, 11.8 – Approval of Conference Budgets, and 11.9 – Conference Surpluses and Deficits. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted revisions to IEEE Policy Statements 10 – Meetings, Conferences, Symposia and Expositions, 11.4(4) – Region, Council, Section and Society Financial Operations, 11.8 – Approval of Conference Budgets, and 11.9 – Conference Surpluses and Deficits, to provide the Institute with continuity in policies relating to IEEE meetings. A Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the revisions to IEEE Policy Statements 10 – Meetings, Conferences, Symposia and Expositions, 11.4(4) – Region, Council, Section and Society Financial Operations, 11.8 – Approval of Conference Budgets, and 11.9 – Conference Surpluses and Deficits for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 44).
85. |
Endorsement of the Principle of Adding Standards Meetings to Section 10 of the IEEE Policy and Procedures. The TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee submitted a request regarding the principle of adding Standards Meetings to Section 10 of the IEEE Policy and Procedures, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the Principle of Adding Standards Meetings to Section 10 of the IEEE Policy and Procedures.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
86. |
Endorsement of Revisions to IEEE Bylaw I-110.10 – Minimum Income – Reduced Dues. The RAB/TAB Transnational Committee submitted proposed revisions to IEEE Bylaw I-110.10 – Minimum Income – Reduced Dues, so that a Member who qualifies under this Bylaw may join one Society upon payment of one-half the established dues for that Society and may also subscribe to those periodical subscriptions offered through that Society at one-half of the regular rates, and a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse revisions to IEEE Bylaw I-110.10 – Minimum Income – Reduced Dues for recommendation of approval by the IEEE Board of Directors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 45).
87. |
Approval of the RAB/TAB Transnational Committee Globalization Survey. The RAB/TAB Transnational Committee submitted a proposal to carry out the RAB/TAB Transnational Committee Globalization Survey. This survey will work towards IEEE Strategic Objective SC4, which is to implement full globalization in five years. A set of recommendations will be submitted as a result of the survey to achieve the globalization goal, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve carrying out the RAB/TAB Transnational Committee Globalization Survey.
Financial implications to TAB: $30K
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 46).
88. |
Approval of Revisions to RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Charter. The RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee submitted revisions to the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Charter, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the revisions to the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Charter.
Financial implications to TAB: $6K to allow for three present or past Society President/ Division Directors to serve on the Committee (already noted under TAB Minute #74).
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 47).
89. |
Approval of Directing the Vice President – Technical Activities to Work with the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee. So that IEEE intellectual property could be made affordable to academic entities, a Motion was made that:
TAB direct the Vice President – Technical Activities to work with the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee to develop a proposal to make IEEE Intellectual Property affordable to academic entities that would not otherwise be able to afford it.
Financial implications to TAB:
The Motion passed.
90. |
Approval of Formation of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council.The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Ad Hoc Committee submitted a request for formation of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council (effective 1999), and aMotion was made that:
TAB approve the Formation of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council (ITS) beginning in 1999.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed.
91. |
Approval of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Constitution. The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Ad Hoc Committee submitted the Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Constitution, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Constitution.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 48).
92. |
Approval of Ad Hoc Committee to Organize an IEEE Sensors Council. A proposal was submitted for establishment of an IEEE Sensors Council. After discussions, it was consensus that an Ad Hoc Committee be created to organize the IEEE Sensors Council, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve that the TAB Chair appoint an Ad Hoc Committee for the purpose of exploring cooperative activities around the topic of sensors.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 49).
93. |
Approval of Convening a Panel of Webmasters Meeting. A request was submitted regarding a Panel of Webmasters meeting, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve convening a Panel of Webmasters meeting to learn from each other, to coordinate activities, and to help set WEB guidelines.
Financial implications to TAB: $7-8K
The Motion passed.
94. |
TAB Finances Report. Dr. Lewis M. Terman, TAB Treasurer, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 July 1998 (Appendix TAB 50).
95. |
TAB Chair. Chair Morley asked that TAB Members join him in a moment of silence for Dr. Robert T. Wangemann, former Managing Director – Technical Activities, who recently passed away. After the moment of silence, he welcomed the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council as the newest official Council beginning in 1999. He also reviewed the following:
A. |
TAB Open Action Items. Chair Morley presented a written report of Open Action items from the February 1998 TAB meeting (Appendix TAB 51).
B. |
Disposition of TAB Items Referred to IEEE ExCom/BoD. Chair Morley submitted a written status report of items referred to the IEEE Board of Directors and the IEEE Executive Committee as of November, 1997 (Appendix TAB 52).
C. |
1999 TAB Meetings Schedule. Chair Morley reviewed the 1998 TAB Meetings Schedule (Appendix TAB 53).
D. |
Other Current Items of Interest to TAB. He stated that IEEE Members must be very careful about what they say and write to minimize the aspect of a lawsuit. Chair Morley also mentioned that guidelines on electioneering on the WEB will be presented to TAB in November. In the interim, he will distribute a temporary process to TAB Members.
He thanked Ms. Jayne Cerone, Manager of Society Communications, for her work with the TAB Annual Report and Society Sentinel.
He also stated that he received a request from Dr. Maurice Papo, Director – Region 8, about Chapter development and the formation of Chapters in his Region. Chair Morley will distribute information to TAB Members about this.
96. |
TAB Y2K Technical Information Statement Ad Hoc Committee Report. Dr. Mark Haselkorn, Chair of the TAB Y2K Technical Information Statement Ad Hoc Committee, noted that the Committee is charged with preparing a Technical Information Statement (TIS) on the Year 2000 date change problem. He discussed the most probable Y2K scenarios and what actions the IEEE can take to best affect the course of events. After discussions, it was consensus that a proposal be submitted to TAB for early implementation, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve (1) The development of content and promotion of awareness for the establishment, operation and administration of a primarily web-based global information clearing house, providing guidance for technical professionals on the century-digit change problem.
(2) a TAB initiative across the Institute soliciting support for this activity, particularly in the area of seeking protection from liability concerns stemming from participation of the Institute and its Members.
(3) continuation and, as necessary, expansion of the TAB Year 2000 Technical Information Ad Hoc Committee to oversee and manage these activities.
Financial implications to TAB: Approximately $50K per year for two years (1)
The Motion passed (Appendix TAB 54).
97. |
Approval of Recommendations from IEEE-USA/TAB/PAB Technical Information (TIS) Ad Hoc Committee. Dr. Charles Robinson, Chair of the IEEE-USA TAB/PAB Technical Information Statement (TIS) Ad Hoc Committee, reported on the status of the Committee and proposed actions, and a Motion was made that:
TAB endorse the recommendations in the IEEE-USA/TAB/PAB Technical Information Statement (TIS) Ad Hoc Committee Report, and request that staff develop appropriate changes to IEEE Policies and Procedures to be presented to TAB for endorsement and the IEEE Board of Directors for approval in November, 1998.
Financial implications to TAB: none
Discussion regarding the wording of the first recommendation ensued, during which an Amendment was made that:
The words "and its relationship to" be stricken out in recommendation #1.
The Amendment failed.
The original Motion passed with a proviso that the wording must be reviewed and clarification must be obtained that it is a major IEEE entity. Mr. John W. Stafford, President of the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society, abstained (Appendix TAB 55).
98. |
TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee Report. Dr. Bruce A. Eisenstein, Chair of the TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee, presented the slate of candidates for nominations for 2000 TAB Chair-Elect. He noted that this individual will become the TAB Chair in 2001, and also noted that this is a working slate which the TAB Nominations and Appointments Committee will continue to update and confirm nominees prior to the November 1998 TAB meeting. He requested nominations be given to him prior to the November 1998 TAB meeting (Appendix TAB 56).
99. |
Approval to Reduce Expenses on the Investment of Society Surpluses. Chair Morley stated that the following Motion was requested by the Society Presidents’ Forum to be part of the TAB Consent Agenda and it was inadvertently left out:
TAB approve requesting that the IEEE Executive Committee provide the Society Presidents with an annual investment information session that would be interactive. This session would contain asset allocation and performance comparisons against representative benchmarks. Also, to provide a report on actions taken in response to this motion no later than the November 1998 Society Presidents’ Forum.
Financial implications to TAB: none
Chair Morley made the Chair’s ruling to add this item to the TAB Consent Agenda. However, Dr. W. Dexter Johnston, Jr., Chair of the TAB Products Committee, made a Motion that:
TAB challenge the ruling made by the TAB Chair and remove the Motion from the TAB Consent Agenda.
The Challenge failed. The Motion was approved as part of the TAB Consent Agenda (Appendix TAB 57).
100. |
TAB Periodicals Committee Report. Mr. Robert Voller, Acting Chair of the TAB Periodicals Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 58).
101. |
TAB Products Committee Report. Dr. Johnston, Jr., presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 59).
102. |
TAB Strategic Planning and Review Committee Report. Mr. Harold Flescher, Chair of the TAB Strategic Planning and Review Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 60).
103. |
TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee Report. Dr. Michael Adler, Chair of the TAB Technical Meetings and Services Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 61).
104. |
TAB Secretary’s Report. Ms. Mary Ward-Callan, TAB Secretary and the Managing Director of the IEEE Technical Activities Department, reviewed the following (Appendix TAB 62):
A. |
TAB Action Calendar. Ms. Ward-Callan presented a written report of the TAB Action Calendar (Appendix TAB 63).
B. |
Revisions to Society/Council (S/C) Constitutions and Bylaws. Ms. Ward-Callan noted that the IEEE Circuits and Systems, IEEE Computer, IEEE Control Systems, IEEE Information Theory, IEEE Power Electronics and IEEE Signal Processing Societies had administrative and editorial revisions to their Constitutions and Bylaws during the timeframe of 8 January 1998 – 15 May 1998. Individuals should contact Ms. Rosanne Loyal, Manager of IEEE S/C General Activities, if they have any questions regarding changes to an IEEE S/C Constitution or Bylaw (Appendix TAB 64).
C. |
Conference Closings. Ms. Ward-Callan encouraged the Society Presidents to be actively involved in their conferences, especially if there is a question of conference ownership. She reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding including intellectual property ownership, partnering and tax status concerns. She also discussed contract reviews and noted that it is important to review the contracts before signing. Ms.Ward-Callan discussed how important it is to close conferences and requested that Societies make an effort to close conferences. For more information, please contact Ms. Mary Ann DeWald, Manager of IEEE Conference Services (Appendix TAB 65).
D. |
Society Partnering. Ms. Ward-Callan discussed Society partnering and noted that staff is establishing a closer relationship with the Societies to understand what different issues need to be addressed and partner in creating more appropriate budgets, close conferences, and work out issues such as book broker activities. She also noted that feedback has been good in attending Society AdCom meetings. She encouraged the Presidents to advise her of upcoming meetings (Appendix TAB 66).
E. |
Sister Society/Intersociety Agreements. Ms. Ward-Callan noted that a list of Sister Society/Intersociety Agreements was distributed. She encouraged Society Presidents to provide her with any new agreements, so that the list can be kept current and consistent, which will help the Societies when requesting information. She also stated that she could review agreements prior to signing (Appendix TAB 67).
F. |
Technical Inquiries. Ms. Ward-Callan reported that at least 20 to 30 inquiries are received in her office per month. She noted that there was a good response from Societies to provide technical inquiry contact names to forward the technical inquiries to (Appendix TAB 68).
G. |
Technical Committee Representation and Position Statements. Ms. Ward-Callan stated that Mr. Bob Powers is the technical liaison from IEEE United States Activities to the Societies. She thanked Society Presidents on behalf of IEEE-USA on support for the technical policy activities and noted that they asked for continued support.
H. |
Society Rates. Ms. Ward-Callan stated that Society rates were approved as part of the TAB Consent Agenda (see Minute #78) and that they were final since they must be added to the IEEE Membership brochures.
I. |
IEEE E-Mail Policy. Ms. Ward-Callan reviewed the IEEE e-mail policy. She noted that volunteers and staff are permitted to request the creation of an e-mail list, but they must comply with IEEE Bylaws and Policies and Procedures.
105. |
Society Presidents’ Forum Report. Dr. Janie Fouke, Chair of the Society Presidents’ Forum, noted that the Society Presidents met on 26 June 1998 and moved items to the TAB Consent Agenda.
She also reviewed the following:
A. |
Approval of Waiving Restriction on All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) for Proposed IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Council Publication. Dr. Fouke discussed waiving the restriction on All Society Periodicals Package for proposed IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Publications. After extensive discussions, a Motion was made that:
TAB approve the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Council with $50K in 1999 and $25K in 2000 for the purpose of launching the Transactions on ITS.
Financial implications to TAB: $75K from TAB reserves
$50K in 1999
$25K in 2000
The Motion passed.
106. |
TAB Market Study Follow-up: Web Publishing Implementation Planning. Mr. Scott MacFarland, Director of IEEE New Products-Publications, presented the TAB Market Study Follow-up: Web Publishing Implementation Plan. He discussed the background of the study including the recommendations, development principles and planning goals. He noted that some Societies are already implementing this. After discussions, it was consensus that Mr. MacFarland work with Dr. Johnston, Jr. and the TAB Products Committee, to continue to develop a business plan before the November 1998 TAB Meeting (Appendix TAB 69).
107. |
Approval of Name Change for IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society Publications. Dr. Voller submitted a request from the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society for a name change for the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Publications. Dr. Johnston, Jr. stated that the IEEE Publication Activities Board opposed this request, noting that frequent title changes cause confusion in the library and citation world, and that such changes could be seen as violating policy. After discussions, a Motion was made that: |
TAB approve the name change for the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society Publications.
Financial implications to TAB: none
The Motion passed. Dr. Mario R. Barbacci, Director - Division V, Mrs. Laurel V. Kaleda, Director - Division VIII, Dr. Doris L. Carver, President of the IEEE Computer Society, Dr. Richard Saeks, President of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Dr. Edward K. Reedy, Director - Division IX, and Dr. James C. Bezdek, President of the IEEE Neural Networks Council abstained (Appendix TAB 70).
Note: Subsequent to this meeting, the IEEE Executive Committee approved the name change.
108. |
Division Directors’ Forum Report. There was no report.
109. |
New Business.
A. |
TAB Y2K Technical Information Statement Ad Hoc Committee. Dr. Haselkorn encouraged Societies to review the TAB Y2K Technical Information Statement and provide comments. After discussions, it was consensus that the proposed Y2K Technical Information Statement will be distributed to TAB Members before it is approved and the TAB Management Committee should review this information to expedite the publication of the Y2K Technical Information Statement, and a Motion was made that:
TAB approve assigning an executive review of the Year 2000 Technical Information Statement to the TAB Management Committee to expedite the printing.
The Motion passed.
B. |
Eligibility for All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP). TAB Members discussed if publications with name changes should be eligible for All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP) for three years. It was noted that this rule is just for new publications. Chair Morley ruled that ongoing publications with name changes are considered continuing publications. He asked the TAB Products and Periodicals Committees review this item.
C. |
Affinity Chapters. Ms. Jan Brown, Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee, stated that the Regional Activities Board approved Affinity Chapters. She took a straw vote to see which Societies may have problems with Affinity Chapters. There were no objections.
D. |
Elections. Chair Morley noted that, between this meeting and the November, 1998 meeting, there will be elections for TAB Chair and TAB Chair-Elect for 1999. He noted that it is important for Members of Society AdComs to vote.
110. |
Committee Reports.
A. |
RAB/TAB Transnational Committee Report. Dr. Adler presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 71).
B. |
RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Report. Mr. Antonio Bastos, Chair of the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 72).
C. |
RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Report. Mr. Antonio Bastos, Chair of the RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998 (Appendix TAB 72).
D. |
TAB Colloquia Steering Committee Report. Mr. Peter W. "Wes" Spencer, Chair of the TAB Colloquia Steering Committee, presented a report at the TAB Caucus on 26 June 1998.
111. |
Update on Financial Impact of TAB Actions Resulting from Meeting. Dr. Terman summarized the financial impact of TAB actions resulting from the meeting (Appendix TAB 73).
112. |
Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Technical Activities Board will be held 14 November 1998 in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
113. |
Adjournment. Chair Morley adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am.