Provide a brief statement, not exceeding 50 words, that reflects the major service accomplishments that the proposed candidate has made to further the activities of the IEEE Sensors Council. This will be used if the nominee is selected as the awardee.
Prepare a statement not exceeding 750 words on why the candidate is being nominated for the award. The write up should include the service record of the nominee with respect to his/her efforts to enhance the activities of the Sensors Council. It is appropriate to list tenure and offices held in the Council and other active involvement in the operational aspects of the Council, such as conference chair etc.
Outline the nominee’s background as it applies to the service he/she has provided to the Council. Other Council/Society memberships and related offices held (Publication offices are reported in next section) should be listed to indicate the nominee’s willingness to serve the IEEE and its strategic objectives. A short discussion related to the candidate’s technical areas of expertise as they relate to the objectives of the Sensor Council should be included.
List the conference activities that the nominee participated in for the Council such as submission
of general chair, technical program chair, member of the technical program committee,
publicity chair, technical track chair, session chair, poster presenter, platform presenter, and
the like.
List the publications activities that the nominee participated in for the Council such as
submission of articles, reviewer, member of editorial board, editor in chief, associate editor,
special-issue guest editor, and the like.
Please note: Selected award winners may be announced on the IEEE Sensors Council website, newsletter, and Council social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn).