Technical Committees

Sensors Council Technical Committee Information

1. Guidelines: ‘Sunrise’

Formation of TCs shall be kept simple

  • This should be as simple as to show that the topic area is growing, relevant, and there is an enthusiastic and sustainable group of volunteers

Submit an application to VP of Technical Operations

  • Reviewed by VP-TO and brought before Technical Operations Committee (TOC) and the SC AdCom at the next semi-annual meeting (usually at SENSORS and INERTIAL)
  • Include: Proposed Title, Scope (200 words), Motivation (200 words), measures of success, goals within 3 and 6 years (100 words), proposed Technical Committee Chair(s) TCC(s), achievements of Chair(s) in the field, confirmation of willingness to serve from the Chair(s)

2. Guidelines: Operation

Every 2 years, the incoming SC President appoints TCC (the TCC would typically serve 4-6 years)

Possible TC activities:

  • Organize conferences, symposiums, workshops, seminars, summer schools, organized sessions, etc. to promote the field
  • Special issues for SC’s sponsored journals
  • Initiate working groups for development of standards
  • Nominate members for SC and IEEE awards, Fellows status
  • Advising for Governments, Agencies, Companies, Schools 

Submit semi-annual reports to the VP-TO

Publicity, including social media, TC webpage at the IEEE SC website

3. Guidelines: Evaluations and ‘sunset’

Criteria for Evaluation:


  • How the TC is Serving the community and the subject area as a leader
  • Conferences, special issues, new publications, books, webpages, etc.


  • How the TC is leading innovation into new areas


  • How closely the TC is working/communicating with research community, AdCom, TOC, VP-TO

Feedback and possible sunset:

  • Constructive reviews with the purpose to nurture TCs
  • Suggestion to encourage positive development of TCs
  • VP-TO makes a recommendation to AdCom on continuation or dissolution