There are two types of chapters under Sensors Council

  • Section Chapter: A Section Chapter shall be a technical subunit of a Region, one or more Sections or a Geographic Council. There may be single Society Chapters, joint Society Chapters, and Technical Council Chapters.
  • Student Chapter: This pertains to students from an institute / University coming together and opening a chapter

Activities of Chapter

Typical activities at the Chapter level includes organizing and managing invited talks, training and mentoring activities, technical gatherings and networking programs. Sensors Council would like to encourage inter chapter activities and thereby bring the larger sensors community on one platform. Chapters are encouraged to get connected with each other through joint activities. Chapters are encouraged to approach Sensors Council for funding their activities.

About Membership

The IEEE Sensors Council has no individual members. It has only member societies; 26 of them.
Per the IEEE Technical Activities Operations Manual, “4.1.B. IEEE Technical Councils IEEE Technical Councils may be established by the IEEE Technical Activities Board for the purpose of providing a continuing mechanism for two or more IEEE Societies, called Member Societies, to work together in a multi-disciplinary technical area of mutual interest, primarily through conferences and publications. A technical council has Member Societies but no individual members. In all respects except membership, a Technical Council operates generally like a Society. The representatives on the Technical Councils, are to be designated by the Member Societies, and are to elect their own President and other officers. Other policies and operational details shall be specified by each Technical Council. (excerpt from IEEE Bylaw I-401.) Creation of a new IEEE Technical Council must be endorsed by the IEEE Technical Activities Board, and approved by the IEEE Board of Directors.”

IEEE Sensors Council Chapters

Chapter Engagement Committee

Veda Sandeep Nagaraja
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
Anna Grazia Mignani
CNR – Nello Carrara Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC) Impruneta, Italy
Siziwe Gqoba
Molecular Sciences Institute Johannesburg, South Africa
Jerónimo Segovia
Texas Instruments, USA
Sangeeta Singh
Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

Opening a Chapter

Would you like to open a chapter? Are you looking for guidelines to open a chapter? Please check the link here to get all the information. If you need more assistance, feel free to contact the chair of the Chapter Engagement committee Veda Sandeep Nagaraja.

To open a chapter, you need put a petition. Click the link to submit a chapter opening petition.

As part of the petition, you are required to have a business plan for the chapter and associate with an IEEE Society or Technical Council. To become a Sensors Council Chapter, you will need to select “Sensors Council” under the Technical Council.

Joint Chapters

Joint chapters between societies are possible but the chapter chair should be able to engage with the different societies and councils mentioned in the petition and have the business plan in the petition giving clarity on this engagement.

Reporting Chapter Activities

Once a Chapter is approved, the new volunteers are recommended to visit the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE). It offers an easy-to-use Action Plan with training that a volunteer can apply in his/her new chapter officer’s role. The Action Plan has a job description and checklists of tasks to complete during your first 30 days in office, and throughout the year. Use your IEEE account to access CLE and go to the Volunteer icon on the homepage, then click the “Action Plans” icon to begin.

Chapter Structure

Each Chapter is led by a team of minimum three IEEE members as its Chair, Vice-Chair, and a representative from the technical community (e.g., the Young Professionals, WiSe, Industrial representatives). The leadership team is responsible for organizing the events and reporting the outcomes. Find out your customized logo from here. You are advised to use your logo and follow the branding guidelines in all your event related documents. Chapters may request for financial support for activities that enhance the IEEE Sensors Council vision. See below for further information.

Chapter Activities Update

Chapters are funded by Sensors council to have various activities. Know about the ongoing activities

Arranging and reporting Chapter activities

Chapters are required to remain active, for instance, by hosting a minimum of two invited talks per year (see here if interested in inviting a Distinguished Lecturer or contact the Vice President – Technical Operations, Thilo Sauter, at These activities must be reported through IEEE vTools. It is expected that the leadership committee of each Chapter is selected by the Chapter members through an open process.

Supporting Chapter Events

IEEE Sensors Council support the formation and activities of its Chapters.

  1. New chapters will receive a $250 start up fund to build their websites, plan their inaugural chapter event, or address initial costs by submitting the requisition form. They can claim this fund after the Chapter formation is approved and a bank account is created. The leadership team needs to keep the receipts for all expenses.
  2. Technical events such as seminars or workshops may be funded by up to $200 per event with suitable justification on the application forms. If two (or more) Chapters co-sponsor an event, the funding will increase to $300. These funds may be used to pay for local arrangements such as renting space and equipment or promotions. All receipts must be kept. There may be a limit on the number of funding applications per Chapter based on the availability of funds.
Supporting Chapter Events
You may contact the Vice President – Technical Operations, Thilo Sauter, at directly (and copy Brooke Johnson if you have any query or need any support.

IEEE Sensors Council Outstanding Chapter Award

This annual award, constituted in 2017, is given to a chapter based on activity. The prize is $1000 USD and a certificate that the Chapter may use at their discretion to promote their activities related to the IEEE Sensors Council mission. All IEEE Sensors Council Chapters are eligible for this nomination 24 months after their formation.
IEEE Sensors Council Outstanding Chapter Award Winners
IEEE Sensors Council Hyderabad Section Chapter
IEEE Galveston Bay Section Joint Chapter
IEEE Bangalore Section Chapter
New South Wales (NSW) Section Chapter
IEEE Sensors Council France Section Chapter
IEEE Gujarat Section Sensors Council Chapter
IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section Chapter
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