The Educational videos provided here have been contributed by researchers with expertise in multiple disciplines from across the technical profile of the IEEE Sensors Council
We maintain our tutorials on our YouTube Channel. These are the tutorials that had been presented during IEEE SENSORS conferences and recorded with the presenter’s consent.
Sensors Council created its own YouTube Channel in 2018. Here we post videos of the oral presentations of our conferences. These videos are the plenary talks, tutorials, invited talks, demos and lecture presentations of the SENSORS and FLEPS conferences in Voice-over-PPT (VoP) format. These are available free to view.
The tutorials provided here have been contributed by researchers with expertise in multiple disciplines from across the technical profile of the IEEE Sensors Council.
Individual talks playlists
videos are arranged in order of their presentation in the tracks of the conference. Each of them is in a separate playlist
Summer School 2022
Summer School on Intelligent Computing on Sensors and Internet of Things
IEEE Winter School 2021
IEEE Winter School on Wearable Sensors and Devices
IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS)
IEEE SENSORS Conference 2021
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