Young Professional Award

Early Career (Young Professionals) Award 2018 Nomination Form

"*" indicates required fields

  1. Introduction:

    The IEEE Sensors Council Young Professional Award is given annually to promote, recognize and support contributions from young professional members within the fields of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council. This award recognizes leadership in service, education, innovation, entrepreneurship or in furthering the goals of the IEEE Young Professionals program in the fields of interested of the Council. Eligible candidates must be IEEE Young Professionals at the time of the nomination deadline. The winner of this Sensors Council Award is presented with a plaque and $1,000 check and up to $1,000 for expenses to travel to the conference.

  2. Eligibility:

    The nominee must

    • be an IEEE Member.
    • have no more than 15 years elapsed since awarded their first degree, i.e. an IEEE Young Professional, at the time of the award nomination deadline.
    • be active, in either industry or academia, within the fields of interest of the IEEE Sensors Council:
      • The fields of interest of the Council is the theory, design, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators.

  3. Questions related to this award:

    Any queries in relation to this award should be directed to the IEEE Sensors Council Early Career Award Chair.

(*) required fields

Part A: Nomination Details


Gender Identification

Nominator Details

Note: Self nominations are accepted, but not encouraged.
Confirmation after submission will be sent to this email address.

Part B: Early Career Achievement Details

Provide a brief statement on how the candidate has contributed to the advancements in the field of sensors through his/her Young Professionals service, research, teaching, and public service.
Prepare a statement (maximum 300 words) of the nominee’s Young Professionals service, technical accomplishments, and impact on the profession or economy. Include previous contributions and services for IEEE and IEEE Sensors Council communities.
Include degrees earned (list universities and granting dates); other postgraduate study; record of all positions held (chronologically, starting with the most recent position) in industry or/and in academia; IEEE activities and offices; other society memberships and offices; awards, honors, patents, inventions, and other relevant contributions. (Email as separate attachment if necessary).
If applicable, list relevant sensor publications.

Part C: Letter Of Support

Reference 1

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.

Reference 2

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.

Reference 3

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.
Please note: Selected award winners may be announced on the IEEE Sensors Council website, newsletter, and Council social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn).