Sample Application: Fire detection using MYOSA Board

This tutorial consists of the one of the many useful applications of the MYOSA board. In this
application, we have used luminosity sensor module and temperature and humidity sensor
  1. MYOSA board
  2. Luminosity sensor module
  3. Temperature and Humidity sensor module
  4. OLED display
  1. Connect the MYOSA board with the power source and connect the sensor modules with
    the board.
  2. Connect the bluetooth of your smartphone with the bluetooth of the MYOSA board.
  3. Open the MYOSA app, you will now be able to see the readings of the connected
    sensors in the app.
  4. To set the event trigger, click the ‘+’ provided on the navigation bar. Type event name
    and the character to send when the event is triggered and select the sensor and the set
    min and max values.You are also provided with the facility to choose whether the event
    should be triggered when the sensor value is inside the range or outside it.
  5. Now, when the event gets triggered, the actuators will perform in accordance with the
    character sent when the event is triggered. In our case, type event name of your choice
    the ‘a’ character and select the temperature sensor and set the min and max values to 0
    and 31 respectively and the range to exclusive and then luminosity sensor and set the
    min and max values to 0 and 1000 respectively and range to exclusive.
  6. Now, when the event is triggered, you will be able to see “Fire” written on the OLED
    display as shown in the following figure.

There you go, your application is ready! Tons of such sensor based applications can be developed. So put on your thinking caps and make your ideas a reality using MYOSA!