Two Young Professionals events were organized on the first day of the IEEE FLEPS 2021, 21-23st June 2021. For the first event, two invited industry experts, Prof. Deepak Gupta (from National Center for Flexible Electronics, IIT Kanpur) and Dr. Neil Chilton (Technical Director of Printed Electronics Limited (PEL)) were gave talks about the current technology trends of flexible and printable electronics in the market, and the focus and products of their company. It was a good opportunity for young researchers doing research in the sector or looking for jobs. At the end of the meeting, there was a Q&A with attendees and speakers.

The second event was a mentors & mentees interaction session. Attendees were divided into three virtual rooms based on their interest and 3 mentors from academia were giving career advice to young researchers. It was an excellent opportunity for mentees to ask their questions directly to the mentors and had a one-to-one interaction with mentors.

In all, both sessions were appreciated by the attendees, and we plan to continue these types of YP events in future FLEPS conferences.

The event was supported by IEEE Sensors Council and organized by Saakshi Dhanekar, Mitradip Bhattacharjee and Ensieh Hosseini.