
IEEE Sensors Council invites innovative funding applications for New Initiatives (NIs) aligned with the Council’s goals and interests, as well as being in line with IEEE’s motto of Advancing Technology for Humanity. The New Initiative Committee is responsible for evaluation, recommendation and monitoring of the NI programs.

Overview of New Initiatives Program

Historically we started soliciting proposals from 2019. So far we have approved funding of over $2M in these 5 years. Majority of them (funding-wise) were in 2023, our 25 Year Anniversary Year.

New Initiatives Committee


  • The President-Elect is the Chair of the New Initiatives Committee.
  • All Vice Presidents (VPs) of the Council are Committee Members.

Term of Office

  • The Chair will serve for two years.
  • The Committee Members will serve for the duration of their Vice President posts.

What we invite

Programs, products, or services that promise

  • significant benefit to the sensors community
  • to have lasting impact on the Council and its business processes
  • alignment with our strategic planning
  • scalability.

What we accept

The types of NI projects having high priority for the SC include:

  • Increasing SC’s engagement with industry
  • Actions which benefit SC journal and conference publications
  • Innovative educational opportunities in sensors (but not seasonal schools, workshops, seminars, training courses, etc.)
  • Activities which enhance the delegate experience and knowledge exchange at SC conferences, but which are not part of the operational budget of the conference
  • Innovative actions to increase visibility of SC activities and strengthen communication with SC’s community
  • Innovative activities addressing diversity, inclusion and under-representation

What we reject

The SC NI program has strong similarities to the IEEE NI program and does not fund the types of activities listed here. For example, following types of proposals won't be supported:

  • Individual research and development projects, including prototypes and testing products
  • Seasonal schools, workshops, seminars, training courses, etc.
  • Venture capital for patentable inventions
  • Overhead (general and administrative or indirect costs)
  • Ongoing activities or operational costs of the applicant
  • Commercial promotion activities
  • Grants with an individual as the sole beneficiary
  • Scholarships to individuals or institutes
  • Endowments
  • Participation of specific/individual teams at competitions or conferences
  • Extensive travel and meeting expenses

Submission for New Initiatives Program Funding

Starting 2024:

  • You may submit the proposal anytime during the year by filling up this online form (won’t take more than 15 min, if you have everything ready).
  • The NI Committee meets to decide on those newly submitted proposals 4 times a year (each Q).

Important Note:

  • The budget cycle is on a calendar year basis, therefore projects face an end–of–year hard stop on funding (we keep it 7 Dec of each year)
  • To ensure freedom to the initiative leader, we allow them to propose the start date of their initiative, which includes release of funding.

For example: if your proposal is approved on 15 Sep 2024, you may request for 1 Jan 2025 as the start date of your initiative.

Major NI Funded Initiatives, 2019-2023

  • Upgrading the process of voice-over-ppt presentation capture system
  • YouTube channel
  • "IEEE Sensors Alert" - an online monthly magazine
  • 20 years Anniversary Book for the IEEE Sensors Journal
  • Chapter Engagement
  • Journal-Conference Synergy Initiative
  • Supporting Under-represented Nations in Sensors Council Activities
  • Targeted Online Publicity (Digital Marketing Expansion)
  • Educational Activity of Sensors: creating podcasts and short videos
  • S1M Improvement for the IEEE Sensors Journal new Features
Have any questions?
Please write us if you have any query.