Call for Standards and Industry Liaison Committee Chairs due Oct. 31

The IEEE Sensors Council Nominations and Appointments Committee requests nominations for qualified individuals to fill the following Sensors Council Standards Committee and Industry Liaison Committee (ILC) Chair and Vice-Chair positions listed below. Self-nominations are allowed.

Standards Committee - 2022-2023

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair

Nominations for the two Standards Committee positions should be submitted via the nomination form by no later than 31 October 2021.

Industry Liaison Committee (ILC) - 2022

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair

To apply for one of these ILC positions please send an expression of interest to Fabrice Labeau and Brooke Johnson by no later than 31 October 2021.

For more information on these positions, refer to Article IV, Sections 10 and 11 of the Sensors Council Bylaws found on the website.