WiSe Week 2020 Event Recap

The IEEE Gujarat Section Sensors Council Chapter in collaboration with the WIE Affinity Group of IEEE Gujarat Section hosted an all virtual-event “WiSe Week 2020” from 28 September to 02 October 2020.

The event was sponsored by the WiSe Initiative of IEEE Sensors Council.

Day 1
After the Welcome Address by the Chapter Chair Prof. Sanjay Srivastava, the VP Technical Operations of Sensors Council, Anil Roy, introduced the activities of the Sensors Council and the objective of the Women in Sensors initiative.

The first talk of WiSe Week was on “How to Write A Good Technical Paper” by Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Professor, Rochester University, USA. He described best practices for abstracts and conclusions, and important considerations for following established etiquette and ethics in scholarly publishing.

Day 2
An all-women panel discussed “Strategies to Create Supportive Academic and Workplace Experiences and Environments for Women Engineers”. Experts Panel included Dr. Sinead O’Keeffe (Ireland), Dr. Jill I. Gostin (USA), Dr. Helen Mulvana (United Kingdom), Dr. Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb (USA), and Dr. Zeynep Celik-Butler (USA). They shared their experiences as women engineers and how to improve inclusion as a matter of norm and policy in the workplace. During the session, the audience received suggestions about supportive environments and challenges.

Day 3
Dr. Anita Basalingappa, Professor, MICA, discussed marketing theory and critical marketing. She enlightened the audience to social media as brands and social media behavior, marketing decision-making, clothing as communication, and corporate social responsibility.

Ms. Sonali Dubey of Pernod Ricard discussed understanding how career paths work in organizations today. She showed how the half-life of skills has dropped from 30 years to 3 years in the last 25 years. There was quite an interesting and interactive STEM quiz also delivered in between these two talk sessions. The quiz master was Mr. Anshul Roy, an IIT Kanpur graduate.

Days 4-5
Mr. Tushar Gadhiya and Mr. Abhishek Jani, from DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, gave technical and educational sessions on sensors-based service. Tushar covered deep learning techniques in sensors applications and Abhishek took a hands-on workshop on some select sensors boards including MYOSA which was a Sensors Council’s educational kit.

All 131 attendees were given certificates of participation. The student volunteers were acknowledged for their contribution. The event was live-streamed through the IEEE Sensors Council YouTube Channel. During the period of this event, the channel witnessed 1,100 unique views, 98 hours of total view, and added 35 new subscribers too.

WISE Week 2020 Report